About Our Laboratory Services for Investigators

The Clinical Research Center provides investigators with access to an outside CLIA certified laboratory for routine clinical assays. The contract lab for all generally results samples within 72 hours of collection. Samples requiring more rapid analysis to determine patient safety or eligibility to participate may be sent to the BIDMC Clinical Laboratory.

The CRC runs a local processing laboratory on the unit equipped with variable speed refrigerated centrifuges, a fixed speed room temperature centrifuge, vortexer, scale, 4°C refrigerators and -20°C and -80°C freezers. All refrigerators and freezers are temperature alarmed and temperatures are checked and logged daily.

The processing laboratory participates in the CLIA certified BIDMC Point of Care testing program. POC testing includes: urine pregnancy, urine dipstix, stool guaiac, and blood glucose.

To protect the integrity and the chain of custody samples use of the processing laboratory is restricted to CRC staff only. All samples received or leaving the processing lab must be logged in and out with a CRC staff person.

Limited, short term freezer storage of samples may be arranged with the CRC with prior notice.