About The New England Center for Placental Disorders

OBGYN Team at the New England Center for Placenta DisordersPregnancy is a special time for you and your family. You'll notice lots of changes happening to you and your growing baby. Over the course of many weeks, you'll receive evaluations and tests to be sure that you and your baby's health are on track. If a concern for a placental problem arises, you can rest assured that our expert multidisciplinary team of specialists in maternal-fetal medicine, urology, gynecology oncology, interventional radiology, obstetrics anesthesia, critical care, nursing, and the blood bank is skilled at caring for all types of placental disorders.

Being diagnosed with a placental disorder can be scary and stressful. A placental disorder can cause bleeding and other complications during pregnancy. Our experts work together to help diagnose the condition and put together a plan to provide care every step of the way.

In addition, we also provide an array of personal support throughout your pregnancy. Our main goal is to help keep you both physically and mentally well during your care with us.