Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis Multidisciplinary Clinic
Providing Diagnosis and Management of Portal, Splenic and Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis
The Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis Multidisciplinary Clinic specializes in the management of thrombosis of various veins in the abdomen. Blood clots in this area are often associated with a variety of conditions, including diseases of the liver, bone marrow, spleen bowel, and pancreas.
The BIDMC Splanchnic Venous Thrombosis Team is staffed by international experts in splanchnic venous thrombosis. They have backgrounds teaching other physicians and pioneering novel techniques for the management of this complex condition.
We have a highly experienced team that includes specialists in gastroenterology/hepatology, hematology, interventional radiology, and surgery. We are one of the few sites in the country offering coordinated comprehensive care for patients with splanchnic vein thrombosis.
Our team consists of the following:
- Interventional radiologists who are international experts in splanchnic venous thrombosis. They offer novel solutions to complex or chronic thromboses which fail conventional therapies.
- Hematologists who provide detailed work ups and manage a broad range of medication options for patients with hematologic conditions and thrombosis.
- Gastroenterologists/Hepatologists who are experts in the diagnosis and care of patients with liver disease and non-liver-associated portal hypertension.
Patients benefit from our multidisciplinary approach. We design a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. During the course of the visit, we will consolidate your care into one multidisciplinary clinic visit.
The range of services our physicians provide include:
- Blood thinning medication
- Therapeutic phlebotomy
- Endoscopy (EGD and colonoscopy)
- Biopsy
- Imaging (MRI, CT, ultrasound and noninvasive assessment for liver fibrosis/scarring)
In addition to the above services, our team also offers procedure recommendations that are based on their wide-ranging experience managing thrombosis. All recommendations are personalized to fit each patient unique needs.
For Referring Physicians
Patients with splanchnic vein thrombosis can be referred to the clinical team for assessment of outpatient and inpatient care by contacting us via:
- Call us at 617-632-1190
- Email us
- Or, for BIDMC physicians, by placing an OMR consult order
Meet Our Team

Vijay Ramalingam, MD, FSIR
Co-Director, Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis Multidisciplinary Clinic ; Vascular & Interventional Radiology; Diagnostic Radiology

Lauren Yang, MD
Co-Director, Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis Multidisciplinary Clinic; Gastroenterology

Muneeb Ahmed, MD, FSIR
Chief, Vascular & Interventional Radiology; Vice Chair of Interventional Services; Diagnostic Radiology; Liver Tumor Clinic ; Splanchnic Venous Thrombosis Clinic

Kenneth Bauer, MD
Hematology, Director of the Anticoagulation Management Service; Division of Hemostasis and Thrombosis

Jonathan Berry, MD

Michael P. Curry, MD
Section Chief, Hepatology; Gastroenterology

Emily O'Connell, BSN, RN
Coordinator; Gastroenterology

Samantha Harrison
Administrative Coordinator; Gastroenterology