Spine Center Discharges to Rehabilitation
Discharges to Rehabilitation
What are we measuring?
The percentage of back, neck, and spinal fusion surgery patients that are discharged from the hospital that do not go home but rather to a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or Long Term Care Facility (LTC).Why is this important?
Some patients may need to spend some time in an inpatient rehabilitation facility or a skilled nursing facility when they are discharged from the hospital in order to regain strength and mobility before they go home.What is our most recent performance and trend?

What we are doing to improve?
We understand the transition from the hospital to a post-acute care setting can be a stressful and vulnerable time for patients and families. Communication with patients, families, and short and long term care facilities is just as important as the care we provide in the hospital. We are committed to ensuring that upon transfer from the hospital the rehabilitation facility is fully informed of the patient's needs to ensure a safe and seamless transition.. The Spine Center has a designated case manager. The case manager meets with patients scheduled for surgery during their Pre-admission testing (PAT) appointment. The case manager discusses the discharge process and works with patients and their families to ensure appropriate resources are in place to support the patients’ successful transition from the hospital. We believe that our surgical pathway for Lumbar fusion procedures support our efforts to meet length of stay goals. We continue to conduct chart and case review on outlier patients to determine effective interventions to help us successfully meet our length of stay goals.Last Updated: April 2018