Silverman Symposium Poster FAQs
Can't find answers to your specific questions on this page? Email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Q:Do I need to print and bring a copy of the poster to the symposium?
A: This year we are excited to move all of the storytelling to the ePosterboard platform. We will not exhibit any paper poster this year.
Q:My poster has been selected for display; is my team required to attend the poster session?
A: We encourage all teams to assign at least one member to be present during the symposium poster session if your poster is selected for display. Much interaction happens while posters are on display – take advantage of the opportunity to share your lessons with and learn from other project teams.
Q:How do I know if my team’s poster is selected for the symposium?
A: In the past, we have been able to arrange for display of all poster submissions. However, due to limited space and ever growing number of entries each year, we may establish a selection process. We will notify all poster contacts if their submission has been chosen for display.
Q:Can I submit a poster after the deadline?
A: Unfortunately, due to our production timeline, we are unable to accept your poster past the deadline date. Please plan ahead for any emergencies, technical difficulties, and delays that may impede your on-time submission. Any posters received beyond the poster deadline stated above will only be made available electronically after the day's events.
Q:Can I make any changes to my poster after my final submission?
A: You can make changes before the submission deadline even if you have submitted your poster for review. However, please provide details and reason for any changes you deem necessary post-deadline at the time of submission as our team will be reviewing all posters and following up with any concerns. We encourage you to submit your draft prior to deadline allowing us more time to help you finalize any edits.
Your poster submission will be considered final and accepted as is. Please email us if you have any questions or concern regarding your posters prior to submitting your final posters.
Q:How do I find out where my poster will be located?
A: A map of the poster session layout will be provided to participants prior to symposium and copies of the mini map will be available at the poster session.
Q:I can’t make it to the event, is there another way to view the posters?
A: Yes, posters will be made available to the general public a few days after the symposium via this link, along with all symposium posters from previous years.