Available Resident Community Groups

BIDMC Resident Community GroupsLearn more about various community groups available for residents throughout their time at BIDMC.

The Beth Israel Deaconess Innovation Group (BIG) provides community, resources, and training for residents interested in improving medicine and healthcare delivery through innovations in technology, business, and health systems. To join BIG, please email us here.

The Resident Information Services Committee (RISC) gives housestaff a voice in transforming health information technology at the medical center, including electronic health records and mobile apps.

The House Officer Council (HOC) improves resident quality of life with wellness traditions and initiatives such as the annual Big Little Sib program.

The Katherine Swan Ginsburg Writing Group hosts creative writing workshops for residents and faculty.

The LGBTQ Housestaff promotes community with social events and furthering causes that support our LGBTQ staff and patients. To join the LGBTQ Housestaff, please email us here.

The House Officer Quality Improvement Council (HSQIC) works across different departments to develop and implement quality improvement projects at the medical center.

The Peer Support Group is a multidisciplinary BIDMC-wide group which provides residents with access to a confidential resource when if need of extra support. Residents also have the opportunity to be elected by peers to participate in this program as a peer mentor.

Harvard Medical School’s Mentorship Program allows residents to act as mentors to medical students while on their internal medicine clerkships. It pairs residents who are not direct supervisors to the students with mentees to provide a bias-free resource to students and allows residents to develop teaching and mentorship skills.

The Resident Recruitment Advisory Committee (RRAC) gives residents an opportunity to shape the Internal Medicine Residency program and welcome new trainees.

The BIDMC GME Trainee Wellness Committee serves as an interdepartmental platform that works to support wellness across the institution in multiple domains, specifically focusing on community building, career and professional development, healthy lifestyle, and promotion of resiliency. To join the BIDMC GME Trainee Wellness Committee, please email us here.