Advanced Hepatology Fellowship
About Our Advanced Hepatology Fellowship

The Advanced Hepatology training program at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is dedicated to the training of gastroenterologists in the subspecialty of hepatology and liver transplantation. There is a focus on the development of academic physicians who will excel and become leaders in the field. BIDMC is a middle-tier volume transplant center and performs about 40 liver transplants annually. These include deceased-donor liver transplants, but not living donor transplants and not pediatric liver transplants. Because BIDMC is a part of the competitive UNOS Region 1, our liver recipients have very high MELD scores; therefore, the trainee is able to see and care for the most advanced stages of liver disease.
Fellows are primarily involved in daily clinical care in a well-structured work schedule. Each is also expected to engage in clinical or basic research throughout the one year of training, depending on the individual's interest. There is one position available each year for this fellowship. Applications are open to graduates of Internal Medicine Residency programs.