Recent Anesthesia Resident Achievements

Our residents are the heart of our Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Management Residency program. We recruit high-performing individuals who are driven to become leaders in anesthesiology and provide them with the opportunities and resources they need to excel. Please explore the following areas to discover the ways in which they exceed their peers and drive our profession forward.

Board Certification and Passage

Over the last 10 years:

  • Our board certification rate stands strong at 100% of eligible candidates.
  • Our first attempt ABA written and oral board exam passage averages 95% and 97% respectively.
  • Our residents uniformly excel on other exams as well, boasting a 100% passage rate for those who have selected to take the NBE Basic PTEeXAM and achieve basic TEE certification.

This exemplary track record is a testament to the diligence of our residents, the quality of our didactic programs and the commitment of our staff to mentorship and tutoring programs.

Academic Projects and Awards

Our residents are encouraged to achieve their academic and personal goals by pursuing projects in a variety of areas including research, teaching, and leadership. Residents present at national conferences and participate in hospital and national level committees.

Post Residency Fellowship Placement

BIDMC residents obtain fellowships at the most prestigious institutions around the country. Our first choice match percentage is consistently > 90% across all subspecialties. View a summary of fellowship placements of all residents graduating from the program since 2011.

I felt well prepared for both [the ABA written and oral certification exams and the NBE Basic PTEeXAM], which is a recurrent theme as I reflect upon my residency training. I don't think we all realized just how unique and extensive our opportunities and support were as residents.
BIDMC Anesthesia Residency Graduate, Class of 2013