Previous Wellness Programs for Managing Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's Pride: Bold and Successful LGBTQ Initiative

With a grant awarded from the Parkinson’s Foundation, we brought together 20 individuals from around the world with Parkinson’s, who identify with the LGBTQ community for a year of learning and building community. The video created for “Parkinson’s Pride” tells the story better than any written words. It is a story of individuals who have felt marginalized, isolated, challenged by health and social barriers and also resilient. It is a story of the grant’s faculty and workshop leaders who committed themselves to the mission of “Parkinson’s Pride”. It is a story of how our PD Center of Excellence offers programs that touch one person at a time in important ways. As one member summarized, “I never expected the group would be a life changer.”

The grant faculty included Lissa Kapust (Principle Investigator), Lisa Krinsky (Fenway Institute), Mikayla Hyman and Abhilasha Natarajan (BIDMC).

Watch this video about the Parkinson’s Pride Program.

Additional Past Programs

Other previous Wellness Works Program classes and events are listed below.