About Our Clinical Faculty

Clifford B. Saper, MD, PhD
James Jackson Putnam Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience
Chairman of Neurology Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
Interests: Functional neuroanatomy of integrated systems controlling wake-sleep cycles and neuroimmune function, effects of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease on these systems
Research website

Michael P. Alexander, MD
Professor of Neurology
Interests: Cognitive neurology and rehabilitation, aphasia, spatial neglect, handedness and cerebral dominance, memory disorders, traumatic brain injury, stroke rehabilitation, and frontal lobe disorders

Aimee Boegle, MD, PhD,
Instructor in Neurology, Director Neuromuscular Medicine Fellowship
Interests: Neuromuscular Neurology, General Neurology, Medical Education

Louis R. Caplan, MD
Professor of Neurology
Interests: Mechanisms of stroke.

Bernard S. Chang, MD, MMSc
Associate Professor of Neurology
Interests: Developmental brain malformations and genetic causes of epilepsy
Research website

Ina E. Donlagic, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Mechanism of sleep and cognition

Frank W. Drislane, MD
Professor of Neurology, Director, Neurology Residency Program; Director, HMS Neurology Clerkship
Interests: Identification and management of patients with status epilepticus

Tamara G. Fong, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Cognitive neurology, Dementia, Memory Loss, Memory Disorders, Alzheimer's Disease; Diffuse Lewy Body Disease, Delirium

Michael Fox, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Associate Director of the BIDMC Deep Brain Stimulation Program
Associate Director of Berenson-Allen Center for Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation
Interests: Movement disorders, Brain network imaging and modulation

Samuel Frank, MD
Member of the faculty
Director of the Huntington's Disease Society of America Center of Excellence
Interests: Movement Disorders, Huntington's Disease

Roy L. Freeman, MD
Professor of Neurology
Director, Autonomic Function Laboratory
Interests: Diagnosis and treatment of autonomic disorders, Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetic Neuropathy
Research website

Albert M. Galaburda, MD
Emily Fisher Landau Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience
Interests: Dyslexia/Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorders, Memory Disorders, Alzheimer's Disease, Dementias, Autism, Asperger's and Related Disorders, Memory Wellness

Christopher H. Gibbons, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Interests: Diabetic Neuropathy; Peripheral Neuropathy; Autonomic Neuropathy
Research website

Laurie Gordon, MD
Clinical Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Movement Disorders and Parkinson's disease

Patricia E. Greenstein, MBBCh
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Associate Director, Neurology Residency Program
Director, Center for Genetic Disorders.
Interests: Neurogenetics, Spinocerebellar Ataxia

Khalid Hanafy, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Director, Neuro-ICU
Interests: Neuro-critical care

Susan T. Herman, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Epilepsy, EEG monitoring

Alexandra Hovaguimian, MD
Instructor in Neurology
Associate Director, HMS Neurology Clerkship
Interests: Headache, Autonomic disorders

Sara J. Hoffschmidt, PhD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Neuropsychology of attention disorders, psychiatric disorders, dementia syndromes

Slavenka Kam-Hansen, MD, PhD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Demyelinating Diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, Headaches

Vaishnav Krishnan, MD, PD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Epilepsy and seizure disorders

Babu Krishnamurthy, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Epilepsy, Clinical Neurophysiology, Comprehensive Care for Women with Epilepsy, including during Pregnancy

Sandeep Kumar, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Vascular Neurology

Simon Erik Laganiere, MD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Cognitive Neurology and dementia syndromes

Chun Lim, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory Disorders, Anoxic Brain Injury

Vasileios-Arsenios Lioutas, MD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Vascular Neurology

Nancy K. Madigan, PhD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Cognitive assessment of older adolescents and adults

Jean K. Matheson, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology, Co-Director, Sleep Disorders Center.
Interests: Sleep disorders

Monica Makhija, MD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Epilepsy and Sleep

Courtney McIlduff, MD
Instructor in Neurology, Director of Neuromuscular Ultrasound Unit
Interests: Neuromuscular Neurology, General Neurology, ALS

Pushpa Narayanaswami, MBBS
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Director of Quality Improvement
Interests: Neuromuscular Disorders, Quality Improvement, Outcomes Research

Margaret G. O’Connor, PhD
Director of Neuropsychology
Associate Professor of Neurology
Interests: Cognitive Neurology

Trudy Pang, MD
Instructor in Neurology
Director, Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship
Interests: Epilepsy

Daniel Z. Press, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Neurodegenerative conditions, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Research website

Henry Querfurth, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Director, Alzheimer Center
Interests: Cognitive disorders

Elizabeth Raynor, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Director, EMG Laboratory
Director, Multidisciplinary ALS clinic
Interests: Peripheral nerve and neuromuscular disease, ALS, Medical Ethics

Michael Ronthal, MBBCh
Professor of Neurology
Vice Chairman for Clinical Services
Interests: Neurological Education

Seward B. Rutkove, MD
Professor of Neurology
Chief, Division of Neuromuscular Disorders.
Interests: EMG and peripheral nerve disorders, Electrical Impedance Myography
Research website

Thomas E. Scammell, MD
Professor of Neurology
Interests: Sleep physiology and Sleep Disorders
Research website

Gottfried Schlaug, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Interests: Functional MRI and imaging of stroke
Research website

Donald L. Schomer, MD
Professor of Neurology
Chief, Division of Epilepsy and EEG.
Interests: Localization and surgical treatment of epileptic foci

Eric Searls, MD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Cerebrovascular Disorders/Stroke

Magdy Selim, MD, PhD
Professor of Neurology
Chief, Division of Vascular Neurology
Interests: Risk factors for stroke

Moushin Shafi, MD, PhD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Epilepsy, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Volney Sheen, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Developmental abnormalities of cerebral cortex
Research website

Ludy C. Shih, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology, Medical Director, Deep Brain Stimulation Program
Interests: Movement disorders, deep brain stimulation

Omar Khalik Siddiqi, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Global health, HIV Neurology
Research website

David K. Simon, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology,
Chief, Division of Movement Disorders
Interests: Pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease, mechanisms of neurodegeneration, neuroprotective strategies
Research website

Jacob A. Sloane, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Multiple sclerosis and myelin biology
Research website

Marion C. Stein, MD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Multiple sclerosis

Alexandra Marion Stillman, MD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Cognitive Neurology, traumatic brain injuries and concussions

Daniel Tarsy, MD
Professor of Neurology, Vice Chairman for Administration
Interests: Diagnosis and treatment of Movement Disorders

Erik J. Uhlmann, MD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Clinical Neuro-oncology

Veronique G. van der Horst, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor in Neurology
Interests: Movement Disorders, neurobiology of gait
Research website

Eric T. Wong, MD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Director of Brain Tumor Center
Interests: Neuro-oncology, therapy of primary brain tumors

Non-Clinical Research Faculty BIDMC

Chloe Alexandre, PhD, D.E.A.
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Sleep physiology and sleep disorders

Elda Arrigoni, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in sleep-awake states.

Lorella Battelli, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation

Nancy Chamberlin, PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Interests: Sleep and homeostasis

Joanne Clark-Matott, D.Phil.
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Metabolic disruption in neurodegenerative disease

Xin Dang, PhD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: HIV Neurology

Peter Jacob Fried, PhD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Patrick Fuller, PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Interests: Sleep-arousal physiology
Research website

Monica Haack, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Human sleep and inflammatory systems
Research website

Mark Halko, PhD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: fMRI and visual systems

Ben Min-Woo Illigens, MD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Diabetic Neuropathy; Peripheral Neuropathy; Autonomic Neuropathy

Satvinder Kaur, PhD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Ultradian rhythms, REM sleep

Gewei Lian, PhD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Cortical generation

Jun Lu, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Interests: Sleep state switching, behavioral effects of sleep disruption
Research website

Janet Mullington, PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Interests: Human sleep and inflammatory systems
Research website

Vera Novak, PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology
Director, Syncope and Falls in the Elderly Laboratory
Interests: Syncope, fall prevention

Vetrivelan Ramalingam, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Interests: Brain circuitry controlling sleep-wakefulness and thermoregulation, Metabolic consequences of chronic sleep loss and circadian dysregulation.

Benjamin Sanchez, PhD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Electrical bioimpedance

Kenneth Dean Swanson, PhD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Brain tumors

Ningshan Wang, MD, PhD
Instructor in Neurology
Interests: Diabetic Neuropathy; Peripheral Neuropathy; Autonomic Neuropathy