About Our Nephrology Training

Historical photo of Dr. Epstein with a patient

The Division of Nephrology is dedicated to providing the highest-quality care for patients, advancing nephrology research, and training future physicians and investigators to become leaders in the field. In addition, our trainees select further areas of focus and expertise to become national leaders in quality improvement, education, basic and clinical research. Each of these areas are mentored by experts within and outside the Division to ensure success of the fellow within their area of interest.

New for 2020 – The Burton D. Rose Grants for Education Innovation
In honor of Dr. Bud Rose, nephrologist, former member of our division, and creator of UpToDate, his wife Gloria Rose has established a dedicated fund for nephrology fellows to complete academic projects. These grants will help provide extra support to the innovative work being done by our fellows during their 2nd and 3rd years of fellowship.